Attractive offers
for your vacation in the Tyrolean Ötztal.

As you can see, our mountain hotel Marlstein offers attractive packages for your winter and summer holidays in the Tyrolean Ötztal. Some people can not believe what you get for your money here at 1,800 meters above sea level. And then there are our special offers. That's what we call holiday with real added value!

Ski season opening in Hochoetz

Winter 2024/2025 begins with a discounted price.

Experience your own white winter in the Hochoetz-Kühtai ski resort. Thanks to the altitude, we’re guaranteed snow from December to April! Look forward to a few amazing days of skiing in the mountains and not just the pre-Christmas rush and the clouds down in the valley. Enjoy yourself and relax with us in Marlstein.

  • 3 days of skiing fun (but you only pay for a 2-day ski pass!)
  • 2 days ‘Marlstein Indulgence”

from € 280,00

per person in double room "Enzian"
for 2 nights with a 3 day ski pass excl. tourist taxes

Marlsteins Family Weeks

from 12.12.2024 to 21.12.2024
from 11.01.2025 to 25.01.2025
from 22.03.2025 to 05.04.2025

(in addition, we give you a holiday night by staying 7 nights valid from 11.1. bis 25.1.2025 or from 22.3. to 5.4.2025)

In the family-friendly Hochoetz ski region, the little ones make it big: During the Happy Family Weeks, all children born in 2019 and younger receive a free ski pass and a choice of a free 5-day ski course (from 4 years) or 5-day childcare in the Hochoetz kindergarten (2 to 4 years, children should be "clean").

  • Free children's ski course for children born in 2018 and younger
  • Children born in 2019 and younger sleep for free in their parents' room
  • 7 nights including "Marlstein Indulgence”
  • ATTENTION: from 11.1. to 25.1.2025 and from 22.3. until 5.4.2025 you will also receive one day of vacation as a gift for a 7-day stay!

from € 1.239,-

per family excl. tourist taxes
- ATTENTION: ID required for children for the free ski course voucher

Marlstein Spar Wochen

vom 11.01.2025 bis 25.01.2025
vom 22.03.2025 bis 05.04.2025
7 Tage Urlaub und 6 Tage bezahlen

  • unvergessliches Skivergnügen
  • perfekt präparierte Pisten in zwei schneesicheren Skigebieten
  • 7 Tage Urlaub und nur 6 bezahlen
  • inkl. Marlstein Halbpension
  • inkl. 6-Tages Skipass Hochoetz/Kühtai
  • inkl. vielen Marlstein Leistungen

ab € 911,00

pro Person im DZ Enzian -  Wochenpreis exkl. Kurtaxe

Lodgings at Marlstein